The Future of Tiny House Giant Life (We need your opinion)

In the past we’ve done mostly do-it-yourself and house related posts, because that’s where our passion lies. Over the years in our small “tiny” bungalow we found that remodeling our home to function better for us was the biggest factor that made it so we could live our version of a “giant” life. Giving us literal space and mental space for other adventures and wonderful down time in spaces that rejuvenate us. That’s exactly what we have planned for the future of our Giant Colonial; remodeling, DIY and design in an effort to live our greatest “giant”  life. 

It’s exactly what we want for you also! To be inspired to create a healthy happy “giant” life in your home as well.

Some things need to change though- both so that we can give a clear picture of what life is really like (it’s not all cupcakes and rainbows) and  so that we can continue to share with you and hopefully inspire while we slowly work on our home.

DIY and design will still will be the majority of what we put out, but because we are slowing down what and when we get projects done (for reasons I describe below) we want to add in more lifestyle posts.

Speaking of life not being all cupcakes and rainbows, we’ve mentioned how hard it’s been becoming a family of four (five with my mother who lives with us). Our little Killian has had months of tummy issues and sleeping problems, so we’ve been lacking the time or mental clarity to really do much DIY or design on the home front.

We even suspect that I’ve been struggling with some postpartum depression over the last month or so.

So, although we feel truly blessed to have this addition to our fam, the changes have rocked our boat a bit more than anticipated and for wayyyy longer. I mean he is almost 6 months old!

Adding in more lifestyle posts give us the opportunity to share the bigger picture of life with all of you, and to essentially stretch our time and budget a bit more. We want to show you what that looks like for us, and cut down on the guilt associated with not putting out tons of DIY content for you to check out. 


But its not really worth it unless we post about things YOU actually want to hear about!


Please please comment, message, or touch base on social media about any questions or topic ideas you might want to see from us! Here’s some idea’s we’ve had:

  • All about how we’ve handled colic and tummy issues with our babies
  • My weight loss journey postpartum
  • A deep dive into my experiences with depression and postpartum depression
  • How we “balance” life, blogging, and Mitch’s rotating schedule
  • Becoming a multigenerational family
  • How and where we save / spend money

Or any specific DIY/Design or other Life posts your interested in hearing about from us?